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About Us

We are Invincibowl. However you might have heard about us—through our social media pages on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, the YouTube supercut of our rambunctious mascot, Bandit, or simply word of mouth—chances are your experience was rather different across platforms, and there’s a reason for that. At Invincibowl, our aim is to cultivate a brand experience that captures the interest of dog owners like you, whoever you are. To do so, we cast a wide net that we hope speaks to different people in ways tailored to their personal inclinations. Specifically, we do our best to provide a variety of choice in terms of both point of entry for our product as well as avenues for further exploration of what we value as a company.


In line with this brand philosophy, Invincibowl utilizes a transmedia approach to marketing. That is, we want to avoid traditional, uniform advertising experiences, where a singular idea is merely packaged in different boxes delivered directly to consumers in a meticulously planned, sanitized way, which feels increasingly out of place in modern society. Instead, we want attention toward our brand to increase organically as opposed to synthetically and brand navigation to unfold fluidly rather than linearly. Accordingly, everything we stand for as a company can be found online, but is only available to those who seek it because each aspect of our brand is its own independent piece of the larger puzzle. This is why Bandit has his own social media accounts. This is why Bandit writes his own blog. This is why we don’t attempt to cross-pollinate our social media followings through direct promotion. All of these things serve as tools for rewarding the most dedicated sector of our fan base with media content that engages them, that makes them feel like they’re involved in a world that goes beyond what may initially seem like a regular dog toy company.


We recognize that all of you, the fans, are more than just followers or consumers, but “multipliers” that have the potential to generate more value and interest in Invincibowl than we could ever do on our own; you are all independent agents of media co-creation. Don’t misinterpret this point as any indication of ill intent or lack of initiative on our part, though. On the contrary, we simply mean to acknowledge the importance and power of your voices in affecting change. Listening to your feedback is our top priority, especially during this stage of our product’s development. We want to know what we’re doing well and, more importantly, not so well. That goes for product design just as much as it does for customer service. This is why we have so many channels available for you to air your praises and grievances with equal weight in terms of visibility. “Why wouldn’t you do your best to hide criticisms of your brand?” you might be thinking. That’s just not our style. As we strive to achieve recognition and respect from people like yourself, we believe that honesty truly is the best policy because this kind of transparency keeps us accountable for our missteps and provides public-facing opportunities for growth.

Our Inspirations

Griffin Farley

The late Griffin Farley was an academic involved in the development of transmedia planning as a tool for advertisers to engage with their audience in novel ways.

Faris Yakob

Like Farley, Faris Yakob has been a pioneering force in establishing helpful models for understanding interaction between media producers and consumers through transmedia channels.

Word of Mouth Marketing Association


We abide by WOMMA's Code of Ethics for affiliated members. Namely, our core values for customer interaction are: trust, integrity, respect, honesty, responsibility, and privacy

Menswear Dog et al.


Dogs have proven to been  reliably appealing faces for various media properties for decades. With the advent of social media, however, this idea has manifested in new, engaging, and exciting ways that deeply interest us as a company dedicated to providing a quality product experience for the average dog owner.

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